Torch Light 2 Review

By Unknown → Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Torch Light 2 is an amazing action RPG published by Runic Games. The game takes a unique spin on not only the styling, but the combat environment its self. Instead of being in a first person state you are third person and are watching your character. This is very similar to League Of Legends or Diablo were you are not viewing as your character but are viewing your character. This makes the game quite different and it feels much smaller than it actually is.

The game is very well designed with decent graphics, an okay art style and interesting story lines. The dungeons in the game are all randomly generated which means they are random on the loot, the monsters that are inside. This makes the game feel as if it is constantly changing without much more effort, this means that there are hours of fun and even when you complete the entire story on your character don't think you are done. The game gives you a reason to continue with a system known as newgame+.

The game includes four classes and there are many more that you can download as mods. The community is quite active when it comes to this game as there are hundreds of mods to download try and make your gaming experience more fun. However, don't expect to go online as one of the moded classes because the online mode only features the four default classes.

Engineer- You are a heavy melee fighter who specializes in technology, you can construct robots, tank, and be a support for your group members. Your damage might be low, but your utility and survivability will make up for it.

Outlander- You are a long ranged physical DPS class that relies on using your weapons and cunning to perform coordinated strikes on your opponents.

Berserker- A melee DPS class that specializes in doing tons of damage quickly and can take a better punch than that of the mage. However, your damage is much lower and you might be looked at as a tank if no engineer is present.

Embermage- A long range DPS class this is going to be the core of your ranged DPS and is not going to be matched by anyone else in terms of damage. However, in exchange for this damage you are not very survivable.

The game is able to provide you with hours of entertainment and it can be quite fun playing online. If you are looking for a cheap game that is feature rich and is different from most other games on the market Torch Light 2 is worth a shot. Get together with your friends on steam and have a wonderful adventure!
Scott Hartley

I am a web developer, website owner, and a student. Even though I am 17 I have learned a lot about the online world what it takes to succeed in business and I offer a lot of advice and answers to those who need it.

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